Snipps' Sports Smarts

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Friday, February 22, 2008

Cleveland Sports in General

Oh Cleveland Sports.

Gotta love them. Or something like that. I had this nice blog in my head about how the Cavs were smart not to make any trades which all the craziness that has occurred in the NBA the last month.

Then I got back from my run and saw what happened.

The Cavs made a trade to make a trade. Why? Is General Manager Danny Ferry trying to destroy the chemistry of the team? I mean shipping out six players, the main ones being Larry Huges, Donyell Marshell and Ira Newble, for four new guy is a good idea? Especially Ben Wallace, who is on the older side, Delonte West, who is another shooting guard, Joe Smith, forward, and Wally Szczerbiak, who at least has a fun name to say, but not spell.

The Cavs got four new players - and zero point guards! What? Why?! Why bother is more like it. Basically they threw in the towel for the season, though the Eastern Conference can basically be won with Lebron James and any four random people. This was no good though. Team chemistry matters for a reason. We'll see why soon enough.

On the plus side, the Cleveland Browns signed Jamal Lewis to a three-year deal today. Sure, he probably won't last three years and we'll have to cut him, but with the offensive line we have (who knew I'd ever compliment that aspect of the Browns) even a slow dump truck like Lewis should get 1,000 yards the next couple of seasons. This should at least mean they won't waste that second round pick on a back. Not needed. Draft defensive lineman until they begin to weigh the airplane down on the way to Cleveland. It's what we need.

Finally, for the ugly. C.C. Sabathia cut off contract talks last Friday. Looks like this is the last season we will enjoy having him here in Cleveland. Just as long as we don't trade him. People forget, but we get draft picks based on the value of a free agent if they sign with someone else. He should be worth a first round pick and then some. Fans might not be happy with that, but the Indians have a pretty good recent history of drafting quality first round talent.

I really wish the Cavs would take a hint from the Indians and try to keep a core around Lebron. The fact that the Indians have had basically the same team going into the fourth season in a row is usually a recipe for success.

But who knows, basketball is a strange sport sometimes.