Snipps' Sports Smarts

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Monday, September 10, 2007

Why the Clevlend Browns Stink

The Browns stink.

That sums up my entire rant in one sentence.

The browns stink.

It’s not just the quarterback, or the offensive line, or the coaching. They all stink.

Probably for the best, I did not see the game live. I watched it on DVR later. That way I could fast forward to the good parts.

In other words, I only had to watch about five minutes of the game. Not much you have to watch when the score is Pittsburgh 34, Cleveland 7.

I listened to the post-game show on the radio on my ride to work, and everyone was complaining about the quarterbacks. That is all stupid, moronic Browns fans do. They complain about the quarterbacks.

Never mind the fact that on the fourth play from scrimmage – the punt – they committed four penalties on the play. FOUR. None of them by the quarterback. That is a joke. You would not see that in a high school game. Check that, you would not see that in a youth football game.

The Browns do not deserve to play in the NFL. They haven’t earned the right since 2002 when they snuck into the playoffs. Sure, they might win a game or two a year, but they are now just one of those teams you can count out of the playoff hunt before the season even begins.

Maybe they should ask to play Michigan. That way one of the teams can win a game this season. Then again, if they play NFL rules, the teams are so equally bad they may end in a tie and neither team goes home happy.

Before the game began, Browns coach Romeo Crennel said that its too bad they can not start the season playing some team they could beat 73-10. No Mr. Crennel, you can’t. You know why? You ARE the team that the rest of the league plays in hopes to crush 73-10.

Anyone that has talked to me knows that I am a big Charlie Frye guy. I covered him during his senior season at Akron, and could see that he has the tools to be an NFL quarterback. The problem is he isn’t on a NFL team. And he doesn’t have NFL fans backing him. He has whiny babies that want a new quarterback every season unless that quarterback goes 16-0.

I am not going to pretend that he played well on Sunday. He didn’t. Neither did Derek Anderson. But if Brady Quinn is named the starter in week three or four – and he will be – the process of destroying his career will begin right then and there.

Want to see Quinn succeed? Then sit him for the entire year, no matter what. They did that in Cincinnati, forcing Carson Palmer to learn the offense from the bench. Then, next season, they named him the starter and made there be no question about it.

That is what the Browns should do. But there is no one on the coaching staff smart enough to think of such a simple concept.

I hope whoever takes over this team next year – anyone will be an upgrade over Romeo Crennel – picks a quarterback as soon as possible so the rest of the team does not have to wonder who their leader is going to be. Of course, with the recent history of the Browns, the head coach will be another first time head coach, so expect more bad play and play calling

The concept of hiring an experienced coach is apparently null and void to the Browns higher ups.

I am going to call it right now. The Browns will be drafting another quarterback in either 2009 or 2010. Why? Because Browns’ fans will be complaining that Quinn can not do the job probably after five or six losses.

They are dumb like that.

As for this season, if they go 2-14, it’s overachieving. This team is one, maybe two steps above the 1999 team. Those upgrades are Kellen Winslow Jr. and Steve Heiden. And since there is no quarterback to get them the ball, they will go virtually unnoticed by the rest of the league once again.