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Tuesday, September 26, 2006

NFL Power Rankings after Week 3

Dominant teams are called so for a reason. Most of the teams in the top 10 did their job this week, though a few stumbled. There it was a bad week or a sign of things to come, it is too early to tell. Only one thing is certain – the Madden Curse is alive and well. Just ask Shaun Alexander

and his broken foot.

1. Chicago Bears – (3-0, Last Week: 1) The Vikings gave them a run for their money, but the Bears found a way to win the end. Rex Grossman still looked pretty darn good, leading his team to a fourth quarter comeback. Next up is the Alexander-less Seahawks, in a true test of two elite NFC teams.

2. Cincinnati Bengals – (3-0, Last Week: 2) Delivering a hard uppercut to the jaw of the defending champs sent a statement to the entire league – we were robbed last year, and we are out to take what is ours. Look out Patriots – you’re next.

3. Seattle Seahawks – (3-0, Last Week: 4) The offensive juggernaut finally awoke this week against the Giants. Sure, the defense got lax and let the Giants put up 30, but it did not matter. And this team has not even utilized Deion Branch yet. But oh, one problem – no Alexander for a solid month.

4. Indianapolis Colts – (3-0, Last Week: 6) Continuing their dominance on their divisional foes, the Colts handled the Jaguars. The game was somewhat close, but Peyton did his job and picked up the win. Who is going to slow this team down?

5. San Diego Chargers – (2-0, Last Week: 5) The Chargers did not win this week. Oh, wait, they didn’t play. That comes next week, when they kill and stuff the Ravens. The only question will be which will shine brighter, the offense or defense.

6. Jacksonville Jaguars – (2-1, Last Week: 3) Bryon Leftwich couldn’t big up that elusive win in Indy. They fought hard, and only came up a touchdown short. The team should bounce back well against a disappointing Washington team.

7. Baltimore Ravens – (3-0, Last Week: 8) A win is a win, right? For this week, it will have to be, as the Ravens squeak by the Browns on a last minute field goal. If they can beat the Chargers, then they can finally say they beat someone.

8. Denver Broncos – (2-1, Last Week: 14) Maybe the offense does not look the best. The defense, however, is a site to behold. Only one touchdown given up in three games. As long as Jake Plummer can put up 17 points a game, that should be enough for 13 wins.

9. Minnesota Vikings – (2-1, Last Week: 9) They took the Bears to the wire and almost came away with a win. Losing to the king of the mountain by only three points is nothing to be upset about, though it would have given them first place in the NFC North. They should find a way to win by three against the Bills next week.

10. Pittsburgh Steelers – (1-2, Last Week: 7) Two tough loses in as many weeks. This team is still one of the best in the league, even if their record does not show it. Big Ben needs to use this bye week to get back up to speed, otherwise, this team may not be playoff bound.

11. Dallas Cowboys – (1-1, Last Week: 12) The Cowboys move up after their impressive win over the lowly Titans. Wait, you said that game hasn’t happened yet? Sorry to spoil the ending for you. Now you don’t have to watch it.

12. Philadelphia Eagles – (2-1, Last Week: 16) The Eagles bounced back nicely and stomped a mud hole in the 49ers early. Although they did surrender a lot of points in the second half, again. Andy Reid had better get his team to stop playing 30 minutes of football.

13. New York Jets – (2-1, Last Week: 18) Is this team for real? Are the Bills for real? Not sure about either one, but the Jets came out the victors. They have played three solid games so far. Do it against the Colts this week, and maybe I’ll be impressed.

14. Atlanta Falcons – (2-1, Last Week: 10) What happened? That wasn’t supposed to happen. The Falcons were supposed to run over the Saints, not vice versa. Forcing Michael Vick to throw every down is like watching a 300-pound man dance without his shirt on - disgusting.

15. New England Patriots – (2-1, Last Week: 11) How is it that Tom Brady has a near perfect record against the Colts, and a near winless record against the Broncos? I guess that is the way the game is. The Patriots better rebound quickly, or the Bengals will tear them apart.

16. New Orleans Saints – (3-0, Last week: 20) Oh when the Saints, come marching in. Oh when the Saints come marching in… yeah, you get the point. The Saints continue to shock the world, and NFL analysts, as they remain undefeated.

17. Carolina Panthers – (1-2, Last Week: 19) It is about time. And if not for a last second field goal, that time may have never come. At least Steve Smith is back. They had better beat the Saints next week, or its back to the bottom of the rankings with them.

18. St. Louis Rams – (2-1, Last Week: 22) The offense is not pretty, but the defense is quietly doing a fine job. Now just imagine a Rams team that had both its offense and defense working at the same time. Yes, just keep imagining, because it might not happen.

19. Arizona Cardinals – (1-2, Last Week: 17) Poor Kurt Warner. Losing his job in only three weeks time. Maybe Matt Leinart can do the job. Or maybe the Cardinals are still the good old bad Cardinals we know and don’t care about.

20. Green Bay Packers – (1-2, Last Week: 25) Brett Favre makes it two weeks in a row of being a fantasy football god. The defense is awful, plain and simple. Look for another shoot out next week against the Eagles.

21. New York Giants – (1-2, Last Week: 15) Well I said I bumped them too high last week. Glad they reminded me how bad they are. Who cares if Eli throws for that many yards and touchdown when his interceptions in the first half took his team out of the game in the first place?

22. Buffalo Bills – (1-2, Last Week: 13) Not sure which team was more disappointing, these guys or the Giants. Based on the fact that at least the Giants have a more consistent offense, the Bills take the bigger fall from mediocrity.

23. Washington Redskins – (1-2, Last Week: 26) Well, at least we know they can dominate the Texans. Too bad the Jaguars are coming to town next week.

24. Miami Dolphins – (1-2, Last Week: 23) Wow. They squeaked by the Titans. That was impressive. Not. What else is there to say besides at least they got Houston next week.

25. San Francisco 49ers – (1-2, Last Week: 21) Well they fought until the end, but another loss for the 49ers. Alex Smith quietly has had three solid games in a row. He might just be a viable NFL quarterback after all.

26. Tampa Bay Buccaneers – (0-3, Last Week: 29) Well they finally put some real points on the board. They wanted a win just as bad as Carolina did. Chris Simms was a warrior until he was dragged off the field. Unfortunately, tenacity does not always mean a win.

27. Kansas City Chiefs – (0-2, Last Week: 24) Still no Trent Green, so who knows what the offense will be like. Hopefully the bye week gave them time to develop a game plan.

28. Cleveland Browns – (0-3, Last Week: 28) So close, yet so far away. They had the Ravens on the ropes. All they had to do was deliver a knock out punch. The problem is they missed, and Matt Stover countered with a 50-yard game winning field goal.

29. Tennessee Titans – (0-3, Last Week: 30) Like the Browns, they came close to victory. Then Miami finally found a way to win. The Vince Young era will begin soon. That might be the only way that the Titans get any serious TV time.

30. Houston Texans – (0-3, Last Week: 27) Whose the remedy for any team’s offensive woes? The Texans, of course. The Redskins explode for 31 points against a defense that was supposed to be improved. Mario Williams has a huge game – two tackles, one assist. Let me hold back my excitement.

31. Detroit Lions – (0-3, Last Week: 31) How bad are the Lions? I mean surely they were favored against the lowly Packers. But no, they lose to them as well. I wonder when Josh McCown will get a chance to lose some games.

32. Oakland Raiders – (0-2, Last Week: 32) Ah the Raiders. I heard a high school football team beat them this week during practice. No? That was just a nightmare? If they actually took on a high school team, it might become a reality.

If you want, compare my rankings to those of ESPN. Or as they are better known, the Peyton Manning Fan Club.
ESPN’s Power Rankings


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